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About Us

90.8 Hills FM is the first community radio station in Nagaland, established in 2022 and based in Dimapur. Educating, informing, promoting, and entertaining the community is at the heart of everything we do. 

By producing and transmitting authentic, immersive, and educational programmes we intend to create a community of well-informed listeners while also building a link between the government and the people.


1 Year of 90.8 HillsFM

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  Bringing back the listening culture...  

365 days

of serving the community

500+ hours

of content to

listen to


Programs Initiated
covering various topics


Youtube Videos to watch

Our Broadcast Features

We aspire to become our listener's first choice and a one-stop medium for all information and entertainment they need. The programmes on our airwaves:

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She, Who Matters!

She wears a lot of hats. She is kind, bold, and brave.

She is a woman, and she matters!

Music In Focus

From culture to storytelling to daily manual practices, we have a song narration for almost everything.


Hills Campus

On our show, we aspire to help individuals make adequate educational and professional choices and make well-informed career decisions based on their interests, qualifications, and skill set.

Community Welfare

As the need for humanitarians grows, there are individuals who stand up and answer this call in their own way by working alone or joining hands with like-minded people to make the world a better place.

Reading a Book
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Hills Book Club

Through reading and having a discussion about books published by our Naga authors, we hope to inspire budding writers and revive the reading community.

Know Your Entrepreneur

In a society like ours, where everyone is striving for government jobs, individuals who have looked beyond such a narrow lens continue to shine as examples for the community to emulate.

Get Involved -
Rebuild Our Communities!


Community radio is a vital source of information, education and entertainment for millions of people around the world. It gives voice to the voiceless, empowers the marginalized and promotes social change. But community radio also faces many challenges, such as lack of funding, equipment and training. That's why we need your help. By donating to our station, you will support our mission to provide quality programming that reflects the diversity and needs of our community. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference. Thank you for your generosity and support.


Do you have a passion for radio and want to make a difference in your community? If so, you might be interested in volunteering with us. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people and contribute to the quality and diversity of our programming. You will also be part of a vibrant and supportive community of radio enthusiasts who share your values and interests. No experience is necessary, as we provide training and mentoring for all our volunteers. All you need is a commitment to our mission and vision, and a willingness to learn and grow. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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